3 Ways to Reduce Household’s Food Waste

3 Ways to Reduce Household's Food Waste

Singaporeans have become more environmentally-conscious over the years. Despite this, many of us are still falling short when it comes to adopting consistent practices to protect our environment. Furthermore, one area that many of us seem to neglect is our food waste. In fact, food waste is one of the biggest waste streams in Singapore. It has grown by about 40% over the past decade. Just imagine this: the food waste that Singapore generated in 2019 was equivalent to 2 bowls of rice per person each day! 

We produce tremendous amounts of food waste within our own households. On average, Singaporean households produce 1.5 kilograms of waste daily, and half of it alone is made up of food waste.

How then, could we make a difference from our own homes? Many of us seem to believe that our own individual efforts can’t possibly produce any significant impact. The reality is that more than half of our household food waste can actually be prevented! 

This is known as avoidable food waste – food items that could have been consumed had they been better managed. These could come in the form of expired food or leftovers from a meal. There are many tips that we can abide by, so as to avoid throwing away such food items from our homes.

1. Buy and cook only what you and your family can finish

It is indeed a fantastic sight to see our dining tables filled with numerous plates of scrumptious dishes and delicacies. Nothing brings a smile to the faces of Singaporeans like a delicious meal does. But it is also important for us to act responsibly. We have to be accountable for the amount of food that we purchase and prepare. 24% of households throw away expired food because they had bought too much or forgot about the food left in their fridges. 

As such, it is important to plan well. Plan before purchasing food items or preparing meals for your family. Keep in mind your family’s usual amount of food consumption. It could also be helpful to keep track of the expiry dates of all the food items that you have bought, and ensure that they are used up before they turn bad. This method could even help you to decide what to eat, especially when you are struggling to come up with ideas on that day!

2. Reuse or repurpose your leftovers

Did you know that leftover rice is actually perfect for making a dish of fried rice? Similarly, if your family has leftover food from the previous night’s dinner, consider repurposing whatever you can on the next day into brand new dishes! 

Keeping your leftovers for the next day does not necessarily mean you have to reheat and consume the same dish again. Instead, inject some fun into your cooking! Experiment and come up with new dishes. You can even browse through Google for tons of amazing recipes that you can try out with the ingredients that you have.

3. Donate or give away your excess food

You can also consider donating your food items to the needy via organisations such as Food Bank Singapore, Food from the Heart, Fei Yue Community Services and Willing Hearts

Alternatively, you can also consider giving away your food to others within your neighbourhood via the OLIO mobile app or GoodHood.SG app.

With these simple steps, every one of us can start making a difference from our own homes.  Join our community to live a sustainable lifestyle together! Sign up for our beta interest form now to learn how we can live green easily together!